Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What kinds of digital rhetoric/writing topics interest you?

February 3rd

I think that it is interesting to note the changes in communication and rhetoric because of technology like the internet. Like the video noted we have now become the "machine". Sites such as Youtube and Facebook among others have allowed the public to control the content on the internet.

Everyone now can have a blog or their own personal channel on Youtube. The internet does not limit who controls the content and because of that the way in we as a society communicate has become very different. Writing and rhetoric have now taken on a different form and have adapted to the changing technologies.

I think that it would be interesting to study the way that rhetoric and communication has changed in society as a result of online dating sites and websites like Facebook or Juicy Campus where the users of the site control all of the content.

The video "The Machine is Us/ing Us" also brings up very interesting points about the way in which we write in a digital age. Now it is incredibly simple to go online and write something for the world to see. It is also easy to push the "backspace" key and edit and revise what we have written. In the past writing was a more skilled activity that took a longer amount of time and now you can have something published for all the world to possibly see in the "click of a key".

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