Thursday, February 19, 2009

Absolute PowerPoint and Book Lover Responses

February 18th

Absolute PowerPoint

2. There absolutely a large difference between using PowerPoint effectively and using it ineffectively. Some people use powerpoints as an excuse. It is easy to just write things on a powerpoint and rely on them for everything when giving a presentation or lecturing to a class. In the cases where the professor or presenter puts all of the information that they are saying and directly reading then powerpoints do cause a barrier and reduce "human contact". In some uses powerpoints become mechanized and the person using them becomes like a robot. If someone uses powerpoint effectively and includes good graphics and does not rely on the powerpoint like a crutch then it will not reduce humanity. In my classes I have been lucky to have professors who are still engaging despite using powerpoints.

There are a large number of advantages that powerpoint gives you. The number one advantage to me is the use of graphics and multimedia. Powerpoints allow you to include photographs and videos in your presentation when a normal speech would not. Powerpoints also help visual learners and make taking notes easier.

A Book Lover Longs for Cyberdrama

One thing that I noticed in the piece was her criticism of the Victorian novel. She says "some truths are beyond the reach of a particular art form at a particular moment in time". This is an interesting statement in relation to her views on literature and rhetoric in the digital age and on the computer. I thought that it seemed hypocritical that she condems the victorian novel for the way they treated women but is more open to the form of literature online. It seems like she can't accept that past as just that the past when there were different customs but instead is open to this radical new literature.

Other points include that the computer was mostly seen as a "drudge" initially, computers can present text, images and moving pictures to illustrate a piece of writing more effectively and because we have a greater access computers give us the power perform new tasks and ask more questions.

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