Monday, February 16, 2009

Moving Beyond the Book and Return of the Word Responses 2/16

February 16th

"Beyond the Book"

1. I have had both good experiences and negative experiences with textbooks and online readings. I have noticed that some textbooks do seem to be poorly printed and mearly other works that are thrown together. There are literally some textbooks that are nothing more than quotations from other articles that are put together to form a "book". On the other hand I have also had great experiences with textbooks that were very easy to read and work with. I definately think that my attitude about assignments are determined by the form in which the assignments are written. I actually do not like reading things online. I find that if something is printed online and I have to read it off of a screen or print it out to read it that I have a negative attitude about it. I usually have a positive attitude about things that I read out of a text book.

2. Mapquest allows for convience that gives specific directions rather than just road signs. Mapquest is also so much more useful for directions in cities. Overall I consider regular maps to be used for highway transportation and going on long distance trips. Mapquest is great at giving details such as distances, turns and details. The advantages of a regular map include that you can carry it with you in your car and it covers a greater area in one resource.

"The Return of the Word"

3. I think the qualitites of email and print that appeal to us are that it is not instant and isn't in your face. Unlike speaking to someone face to face you can think about what you want to say and reconsider what you are writing. When sending someone an email you can erase your thoughts and change them as many times as you would like to. If you are having a talk with someone face to face you can not go back and change what you say aloud. There is not the ability to take things back as easily in person. Live chat does not have the same appeal because it is essential instant and does not allow for the same amount of censorship that an email does. It is very email to just "shoot" someone an email. You can ask questions easily in an email or would be more comfortable contacting a superior in email form than verbally.

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